Client Rights and Responsibilities

Clients have a right to be treated with respect and dignity.

All employees will respect and adhere to the Code of Ethics of Serenity Wellness.

No drugs, medicine, or medical procedures will be used in conjunction with the treatment clients. Clients requiring such care must maintain their own physician and be sufficiently stable to benefit from the program.

Serenity Wellness does not use any type of restraint or seclusion to control clients. In case of client’s acting/being out of control, they may be physically restrained while calling 911 and waiting for response. Violent or out of control clients will not be permitted to continue the program.

Clients will not be subject to threats, extortion or sexual advances as part of their relationship with Serenity Wellness.

Client files will be securely locked when not in use. Files will be accessed only by authorized staff.

Confidentiality is maintained by all personnel regarding client identity, history, records or anything said in-group or individual therapy in accordance with federal confidentiality regulation (Title 42 of the Federal Register) prohibiting re-disclosure.

Clients will be told at the beginning of treatment what fees and costs are and a statement of understanding is signed detailing that information. Information about the source/sources of funding for Serenity Wellness programs and the eligibility requirements are made available to clients.

Staff and other clients are not permitted to degrade, insult, or mock any client because of their past or present behavior, their appearance, or their ideas or beliefs.

Clients are responsible to fully inform Serenity Wellness of their legal status in court referral cases.

Serenity Wellness is responsible to promptly inform the referral source of client’s status on non-compliance or completion.

Clients have a right to be notified of any changes and the reasons in staff involved in their treatment plan and program.

Clients are responsible to regularly attend contracted services or inform Serenity Wellness well in advance if attendance is not possible.

Clients have the right to receive a copy of the client responsibilities and group rules.

The written client rights statement will be made available to all clients at the time of intake.

Clients are given the name and telephone number of Serenity Wellness the name of the therapist, and the hours the facility is open with twenty-four (24) hour telephone coverage.

The client has a right to request a review by the Department of Health and Welfare of his/her treatment plan or the services provided by Serenity Wellness.

Clients can refuse to participate in research projects and are able to participate in the programs without conflict.

Clients have a right to review and discuss their discharge plan.